
  • "Crystal has helped us over the last 6 years with reading, writing, math and study skills...college support next. She has been a beacon for our son."


  • "He/We/You- we all did it! Graduating with an overall 3.8 GPA moving on to ASU- THANK-YOU! "


  • "Writing has become so much easier to organize and my details have also greatly improved. I can’t wait to come next summer for math.”


  • "Through this experience, she began to realize and understand that she was smart, capable of thinking, and had the ability to learn."


  • "You are my hero for helping Seth, you gave me a confident son."


  • "We will miss seeing you. Thank you for generously sharing your visual approach to learning with Nathan and me." .


“I am so excited and pleased with the progress that Justin has made in reading and writing. Since his completion in October of the Davis Dyslexia Correction program, the transformation has been incredible. He is self confident and motivated. His reading is fluent and controlled. He uses the sweep sweep spell and picture at punctuation in a daily basis and the results are evident. He has gone on to read 2 novels since October, one of which was too difficult for him before the program/ He continues to work on trigger words. Beyond the educational value, Justin’s character has changed as well. He has become more assertive and has made many new friends. He’s happy to be Justin and has become a risk taker. I can’t express enough the success Justin has made since he worked with you.”

— V.B.

“Working with Crystal Punch and the Davis method has been an intricate part of our life journey-allowing my daughter to continue to instill in her that dyslexia is part of her being a unique gift to all of us she touches. I have walked alongside my daughter and watched her grow, from her dark cocoon of being a scared, withdrawn, confused and tearful 5th grader who was shutting down in her desire to learn because she thought she was incapable. Today, I am smiling because I will soon watch her walk alongside her peers as she proudly and with well-deserved great pride and gentle humility will receive her high school diploma. Now her journey is full of hope for the future as she assertively spreads her beautiful wings in preparation to move with confidence and grace into her new role as a college student. The gift of dyslexia has given her compassion, persistence, learning strategies and a desire to learn and to discover her world. She periodically meets with her Davis facilitator, Crystal Punch. My daughters goal is now to advocate through teaching diverse learners in believing they too are a ‘Gift.’ "

— L.G.

“Crystal- thank you so much for everything you have done for Brenden. Words cannot express my gratitude. You have made a big impact on Brenden’s life and attitude. Your heart is so big and I’m glad we’ve been a part of this learning experience with the Davis Method.”


“Thank you so much for all you have done for me. It has helped tremendously. You always show how much you care about me and I want you to know how much it has changed my life. Writing has become so much easier to organize and my details have also greatly improved. I can’t wait to come next summer for math.”


“You are my hero for helping Seth. I will never be able to thank you enough. You have given me a confident son. I can already tell such a difference- abundant blessings to you.”


“You are one of the best things that’s happened to me this year. Thank you for the course last summer and for mentoring me. You taught me so much with your endless encouragement and kind understanding ways.”


“Before I worked with Crystal Punch, my Davis facilitator, I remember being labeled in many different ways about people’s perspectives about my behaviors and the way I learn. I came into the world labeled by the pediatrician “ Baby Girl Groat: Irritable Female! This was because I wouldn’t stop screaming. My mother realizes now as she looks back that I was extremely sensitive to sounds and could be easily overstimulated by too much activity. During my preschool years, my personality began to take shape. I seemed to learn about things on my own terms: visually, tactically, and through verbal expression.  For example, living by a pasture I would combine the visual of the cow with the sound the cow makes and I would express it verbally by calling them moo-cows. Little did my parents realize at this young age was the beginning if my reversal of words which later proved to be causing difficulties in my learning development.”


“My daughter embraced a different style of learning, her week spent with Crystal Punch and the Davis method has opened up a whole new world for my daughter. She learned to express herself in clay words and pictures. Through this experience, she began to realize and understand that she was smart, capable of thinking and had the ability to learn.” 


My son Kyan is 8 years old and was tested for dyslexia and shortly afterwards he met with Crystal to see if the Davis method was the right approach for him and if he was ready.. He made a clay figure of himself. She educated him on who he was as a picture thinker and what imagination is and how to use it. But he wanted to remain in his imagination all the time. He liked it there. Crystal said Kyan would let me know when he was ready to work with her. I believed her, but I was a little concerned that it would take years. A few months later Kyan said during a homework one night that he was ready for Crystal. Kyan worked with Crystal for 5 days. He LOVED going over there. He connected well with her, joking with her, developing his dial, designing his letters, understanding punctuation and discovering what works for him and who he is as a learner. Two weeks to the day after working with Crystal, he began writing in lower case and it was beautiful. Imagine what he can do now!


As a school intervention tutor, I worked with one of my students for 2 years using all kinds of strategies without permanent success. Then he went to Crystal Punch for a week of Davis intensive learning strategies. I was thrilled to discover something that really worked.  I worked with him at school following the strategies he learned from Crystal. This was something he understood and controlled himself.

Recently, one of my students who completed the Davis training with Crystal Punch took a Morris McCall Spelling assessment and scored a low 2.7  grade level without using the koosh balls and other Davis focusing strategies. The following week, he used all of his Davis strategies resulting in a much higher score at the 4.5 grade level. Thrilling success!

Once the Davis strategies become part of your life, they are keys to unlocking the door to help you develop your gifts and overcome your difficulties with focus, reading, time management, and math. These skills never cease to assist you in being successful as they grow with you!

Crystal-Thank you so much for your gentle guidance with Alex

—D. and P.

Thank you for your very special caring and helping our special needs family. I liken it to the calling a pastor received, Bill and I are very grateful that through her determined research, Betsy located you and Sam received the help he needed.

Thank you for the graduation gift and flowers. I am so glad you got to come and see me graduate high school cause that was my goal when I first started working with you. Thanks a bunch

Academically, Tyler is making leaps and bounds. He gets his math homework done in class, math of course is his strength. I feel like he is becoming a more confident reader and comprehending more. We are half way point of meeting the goal for clay words. Thanks for all you do with Tyler and me, it gives us hope.


Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®,  Davis® Attention Mastery,  Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners  may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.